Neal Shusterman is an acclaimed author known for his captivating and thought-provoking novels for young adults and middle-grade readers. With a talent for blending imaginative worlds with complex characters, Neal has garnered numerous awards and a dedicated following. His popular series include the Unwind Dystology, the Arc of a Scythe trilogy, and the Skinjacker trilogy. Neal’s storytelling prowess continues to inspire and engage readers around the globe. To book an Author Visit or get in contact, visit Neal’s personal site.
Winner of the National Book Award for Young People’s Literature
In the Arc of a Scythe Trilogy, humanity has conquered death, and Scythes are the only ones who can end life. Follow Citra and Rowan as they navigate their roles in this chilling exploration of morality and control, penned by Neal Shusterman.
Dive into the Accelerati Trilogy, where science and adventure collide. Follow the journey of Nick Slate as he uncovers a series of extraordinary inventions left behind by Nikola Tesla, each more astonishing than the last. This thrilling trilogy, co-written by Neal Shusterman and Eric Elfman, combines fast-paced action with scientific intrigue!
In the Unwind Dystology, society has found a gruesome solution to unwanted teens: unwinding, a process that disassembles their bodies for organ donation. Follow Connor, Risa, and Lev as they fight for survival and challenge the moral boundaries of their world in Neal Shusterman’s gripping series.
In the Skinjacker Trilogy, journey through a unique afterlife where young spirits navigate between the living and the dead. Follow the adventures of Nick, Allie, and Mikey as they discover their extraordinary abilities and face dark forces in Neal Shusterman’s captivating series.
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